BSNL Kerala Circle
Recruitment Details
Name of the Post: Telecom Technical Assistants (TTA)
No. of Posts: 152
Posts (Gen – 107; OBC – 32; SC – 12; ST – 01)
Age Limit: Minimum
18 years and maximum 27 years as on 13.05.2013.Relaxation of Upper Age Limit as
per existing Central Govt. rules.
Pay Scale: Pay
scale of Rs.13600 – 25420/- (Revised IDA pay scale)
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess 3 Years Engineering Diploma in any of the
following disciplines i.e. Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications
Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical
Engineering, Radio Engineering, Instrument Technology or M.Sc (Electronics)
from a recognized Institute / University. The candidate must have
completed the requisite qualification by closing date of application.
Probation Period: Probation of 2 years.
Application Fee: The application fee Rs.500/- for General and OBC Candidates and No
application fee is required for SC/ST/PH Candidates. Fees once paid will not be
refunded. Application fee is to be sent along with the application form in the
shape of Crossed Indian Postal Order / Bank Draft drawn in the favour of
Account Officer (Cash) O/O Principal General Manager / O/o General Manager,
BSNL of the respective SSA where the candidate desires to apply, payable at its
Head Quarters. Application fee remitted by Cheques, Money Orders etc. will not
be accepted.
How to Apply: Interested
candidates who are meeting with above mentioned eligibility criteria are
required to apply in the prescribed proforma given in the notification. The
application should be legible and readable in thick plain paper of A4 size (on
one side). Two recent passport size photographs should be affixed in the space
provided for in the application. Application without signature of the candidate
will be rejected out right. The envelope containing application should be
superscribed in bold letters “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TELECOM
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT for the year 2012” Two self addressed stamped
envelopes size (27×12 cms) should also be enclosed with the application.
Last date of receipt of application form – 13.05.2013
For More Details: Click Here
To download Hall Ticket: Click Here