Labour Bureau Chandigarh Invites
Application from the eligible candidates who fulfill the following eligibility
criterion for filling up the vacancies given below.
Detail of Vacancies :- 49 posts
- Senior Consultant :- 02 posts
- Junior Consultant :- 07 posts
- Investigator Grade – I :- 10 posts
- investigator Grade – II :- 30 posts
Age Limit :- A candidate must be of
minimum 21 years of age as on last date of receipt of applications. The
upper age limit for each category of the post is 65 years.
Educational Qualifications :-(Please Download advertisement detail given below for more information.)
Application Fee :- No fee is required to be paid for applying to any of the posts.
How To Apply :- Interested candidates can apply online only on the link or on the website of the Labour Bureau up to 15 days from the publication of this advertisement.