**--Steps On Surya Namaskar--**
This is a beginner's guide to Surya Namaskar or Sun
Salutation. If performed correctly, this exercise composed of twelve bodily
poses does not strain. It relieves stiffness, revitalizes your body and
refreshes the mind. Surya Namaskar can do to your body what months of dieting
1Inhale: As you breathe in, lift both arms up from the
2Exhale: As you exhale, bring your palms together in
front of the chest in prayer position.
Inhale : Breathing in, lift the arms
Exhale : Exhale completely, bringing your hands down
to the floor.
Inhale : Bring the right foot forward in between the
two hands, left knee down to the floor and look up.
5 Do the Dandasana (stick pose).
Inhale: As you breathe in, take the right leg back and
bring the whole body in a straight line.
Exhale: Gently bring your two hands, two feet, two knees,
chest and chin to touch the floor.
Inhale: Keep your elbows bent and look up.
Exhale: The inverted V.
Inhale: Bring the left foot forward in between the two
hands, right knee down to the floor and look up.
Exhale: Bring your right foot forward and try to keep
your palms on the floor.
Inhale: Breathing in, lift the arms up.
Exhale:As you exhale, straighten the body and your arms.
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