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REET Level 1 English Subject Model Paper - 1

Q 1. People say that you cannot pump the ocean dry. The passive voice of the above sentence is –
  1. The ocean can not be pumped dry.
  2. It is said that you can not pump the ocean dry.
  3. It is said that the ocean can not be pumped dry.  
  4. It is said that the ocean can not be pumped dry by you.

Q 2. He work hard for his exams. Frame a question for the above sentences –
  1. Do he works hard for his exams?
  2. Does he works hard for his exams?
  3. Does he work hard for his exams ?  
  4. Why do he work hard for his exams ?

Q 3. Which is not an important purpose of reading at higher stage in secondary schools ?
  1. Reading with comprehension
  2. Reading with speed
  3. Reading with pleasure
  4. Reading slowly  

Q 4. Match stic figures are also called –
  1. Charts
  2. Objects
  3. Pin head  
  4. Realia

Q 5. I am honest. choose the correct question tag for above sentences –
  1. Am n’t ?
  2. Aren’t I  
  3. Am I ?
  4. Are I

Q 6. Which of these is not a Graphic teaching Aid ?
  1. Charts
  2. Posters
  3. Cartons
  4. Models  

Q 7. Bulletin board is a sheet made of
  1. Wood
  2. Masonries
  3. Cork , celesta
  4. All of these  

Q 8. The sound Its /is represent by
  1. Chemistry
  2. Choir
  3. Chain  
  4. Chorus

Q 9. Don’t call my sister again other wise I ------call the police (warning)
  1. Can
  2. Will  
  3. May
  4. Must

Q 10. She always mange’s to Spin a yarn and convinces the boos. Give meaning of the idiom. (underlined)

  1. Conuince him
  2. To mislead
  3. To tell a long story  
  4. Make somebody agree

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