Q 21. The desired goal in audio
lingual method is –
1. Linguistic competence
2. Communicative competence
3. Both linguistic and
communicative competence
4. Paralinguist competence
Q 22. Which of the following drill is
not used in developing speaking skill ?
1. Substilution drill
2. Repetition drill
3. Question drill
4. Chanin drill
Q 23. Which of these is not a type of
flesh cards ?
1. Pictures flash cards
2. Word flash cards
3. Structure flash
4. None of these
Q 24. School records have evidences
about students –
1. Social relationship among peers.
2. Attainments, progress
cards, anecdotal records etc.
3. Heath habits, work habits, study
habits etc
4. All of these
Q 25. Give the passive of the
following “we will always obey you“
1. You would be obeyed always
2. You will be always by them
3. You will always be
4. You will always be obyed by the
Q 26. Which one of the following
words is an adjective ?
1. Use
2. Useful
3. Using
4. Usefulness
Q 27. Choose the correct pronoun to
complete the following. This book is -------, and that one is mine.
1. Our book
2. Your
3. Your’s
4. Your’s book
Q 28. The total number of consonants
in English is –
1. 12
2. 24
3. 20
4. 16
Q 29. A good language proficiency
test ?
1. Is entirely made up of only one type
of questions
2. Focuses on easy type questions alone
3. Is completely based on objective type
4. Is a combination of
objective type, short answer type and essay type questions
Q 30. A Remedial teaching syllabus
should be based on
1. The teacher’s impression of language
2. Students iuterest in learning a
3. An analysis of errors made
by learners
4. An analysis of the future needs of
the learners.
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